An LLNL Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Carol Woodward consults on a diverse array of projects at the Lab and beyond. “It’s nice because it means I can work at the same place and not just do one thing for a long time,” she says.
Topic: Computational Math
Highlights include MFEM community workshops, compiler co-design, HPC standards committees, and AI/ML for national security.
The second annual MFEM workshop brought together the project’s global user and developer community for technical talks, Q&A, and more.
This project solves initial value problems for ODE systems, sensitivity analysis capabilities, additive Runge-Kutta methods, DAE systems, and nonlinear algebraic systems.
The prestigious award is handed out every two years and recognizes outstanding contributions to the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of science and engineering problems.
Researchers will address the challenge of efficiently differentiating large-scale applications for the DOE by building on advances in LLNL’s MFEM finite element library and MIT’s Enzyme AD tool.
The first article in a series about the Lab's stockpile stewardship mission highlights the roles of computer simulations and exascale computing.
The Advanced Technology Development and Mitigation program within the Exascale Computing Project shows that the best way to support the mission is through open collaboration and a sustainable software infrastructure.
Winning the best paper award at PacificVis 2022, a research team has developed a resolution-precision-adaptive representation technique that reduces mesh sizes, thereby reducing the memory and storage footprints of large scientific datasets.
LLNL participates in the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) on May 30 through June 3.
The Exascale Computing Project (ECP) 2022 Community Birds-of-a-Feather Days will take place May 10–12 via Zoom. The event provides an opportunity for the HPC community to engage with ECP teams to discuss our latest development efforts.
LLNL's DMTS awards program offers advancement for scientific leaders who choose the research track over the management ladder. Read more about computational mathematician Rob Falgout.
Computational mathematician Julian Andrej began using LLNL-developed, open-source software while in Germany. Now at Livermore, he lends his expertise to the Center for Applied Scientific Computing, developing code for next-generation computing hardware.
The MAPP incorporates multiple software packages into one integrated code so that multiphysics simulation codes can perform at scale on present and future supercomputers.
This project advances research in physics-informed ML, invests in validated and explainable ML, creates an advanced data environment, builds ML expertise across the complex, and more.
Highlights include power grid challenges, performance analysis, complex boundary conditions, and a novel multiscale modeling approach.
The MFEM software library provides high-order mathematical algorithms for large-scale scientific simulations. An October workshop brought together MFEM’s global user and developer community for the first time.
As Computing’s fifth Fernbach Fellow, postdoctoral researcher Steven Roberts will develop, analyze, and implement new time integration methods.
New research debuting at ICLR 2021 demonstrates a learning-by-compressing approach to deep learning that outperforms traditional methods without sacrificing accuracy.
Highlights include scalable deep learning, high-order finite elements, data race detection, and reduced order models.
Our researchers will be well represented at the virtual SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21) on March 1–5. SIAM is the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics with an international community of more than 14,500 individual members.
Three papers address feature importance estimation under distribution shifts, attribute-guided adversarial training, and uncertainty matching in graph neural networks.
Proxy apps serve as specific targets for testing and simulation without the time, effort, and expertise that porting or changing most production codes would require.
The SAMRAI library is the code base in CASC for exploring application, numerical, parallel computing, and software issues associated with structured adaptive mesh refinement.
Lawrence Livermore National Lab has named Stefanie Guenther as Computing’s fourth Sidney Fernbach Postdoctoral Fellow in the Computing Sciences. This highly competitive fellowship is named after LLNL’s former Director of Computation and is awarded to exceptional candidates who demonstrate the potential for significant achievements in computational mathematics, computer science, data science, or scientific computing.